This Summer is shaping up to be the season for mobile apps. Blar, a new Android client for NewsBlur, has just been released. It’s available on the Android Market here: It is created by Harris Munir, who you can contact through his site.

The source code to Blar is also released under a fair license on Bitbucket:

In other news, the official NewsBlur iPhone app is nearly finished and is ready to be beta tested. If you are a premium user, email me your UUID and username and I will send you your own free copy of the NewsBlur iPhone app. Just know that it is under heavy development and might change for the better in the near-term future.

Blar was created using the just released NewsBlur API. If you create your own mobile app, bookmarklet, browser extension, or even desktop client, I’ll feature it either on the dashboard of every user or the Goodies section. I’m also happy to assist you in making the app, and even making new API endpoints for you if you wish. Just let me know and keep the NewsBlur apps rolling.