The single biggest criticism I’ve heard of the Android app is that it can be slow when loading feeds and then loading stories. That changes today with the release of version 3.5 of the NewsBlur Android app.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Completely rewritten parallel network stack
  • All network requests are now much, much faster
  • Bugs fixed when marking as read and saved

And remember that only a month and a half ago, version 3.0 hit the Play Store and the Kindle Store with these great features:

  • New story traversal buttons make it easy to flip between stories.
  • New text view fetches and parses the story from the original site.
  • New logo.
  • Public comments are now be hidden in preferences.
  • Ability to unsave stories.

There’s more coming to the NewsBlur Android app, now that it’s reached speed parity with the iOS app. Look forward to lots of updates, improvements, and new features.