This is a big deal for Android users. The NewsBlur Android app now fully supports intelligence training and filtering, letting you filter out the stories you don’t want to read while highlighting the stories you do want by letting you filter titles, authors, tags, and the publisher.

You used to be able to train by tapping on authors and tags right from the story, but that didn’t give you a bird’s eye view of an entire feed. You can now clear / modify old intelligence training without going back to the story that set it. And until now you had to use the web or iOS app to train on titles and the publisher itself. Now you can do it all from all of the apps. Check the FAQ for ideas on how to make use of the intelligence trainer.

Here’s a list of all the new features in version 7.0 of the Android app:

  • New Intelligence Trainer. You can train feeds and individual stories: titles, authors, tags, and publishers.
  • New Infrequent Site Stories view. It’s configurable and will show up on iOS and the web soon.
  • Titles with intelligence training are now highlighted.
  • You can now switch between light and dark themes from any view.

This is a huge release and we hope you’ll find that it makes the NewsBlur reading experience that much better.